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Anna Sui for Target: Better in Theory

So, everyone knows that most of the designer collections for Target pretty much suck ass. But everyone of a certain frugal-fashionista bent checks them out when they hit anyway. And so it was that I had the good luck to be in suburban New Jersey last weekend when the Anna Sui for Target collection debuted. I'd even totally forgotten about it, so it was a delightful surprise to see a few pieces at my mom's local Target. Bottom line: The collection doesn't suck ass, and indeed has some very fun, desirable prints, but I ended up at the register with only a T-shirt (and about $130 in cotton balls and leggings and hair spray and...you know how it goes). Let's take a closer look at the collections highlights:

Stripey silk dress, $59.99. I almost bought this. It was in my basket. It fit great, and I loved the spaghetti straps with the flirty off-the-shoulder sleeves. I thought I might wear it to a wedding in November. But thinking about it more, I realized stripes might not be right for a beach wedding, and I couldn't think of a single other occasion I'd have to wear it. $59.99 saved.

I also tried on this blousy blue dress, and I loved it, and thought about pairing it with a narrow belt instead of the big wide one it comes with, but it just made me look too busty and schoolmarmish and, well, fat, and that is NOT ALLOWED. If you have any curves at all, stay away from this one. $44.99 saved. (That said, I saw a tiny girl on the Brooklyn Bridge the next day wearing it, and she looked great.)

They didn't have this blocky herringbone dress in anything close to my size, otherwise I would have tried it on. Looks work-appropriate in a kicky way, methinks. Reviews, however, as with virtually all Target collaboration items, are kinda eh. Hey, another $60 saved!

As it turned out, I only dropped $24.99 on this collection, with no plans to revisit it (barring clearance sales, of course). The winner: this lace-fringe T-shirt. Totally cute. Nuff said.