“America’s first Pacific president”
--President Barack Obama, characterizing himself; image from
“Change is inevitable - except from a vending machine.”
--Robert C. Gallagher
Obama's trip to Asia has far-reaching PR possibilities - Robert Tappan, PR Week [Login Required]: [from Google] : "[Obama] ... needs to harness the 'soft power' of public diplomacy, the US' moral integrity and his considerable communications skills."
You Can Bank on It - Mark Dillen, publicdiplomacy.foreignpolicyblogs - "An overseas trip by a U.S. president is always costly, logistically challenging, and full of colorful backdrops. President Obama’s trip to Japan, Singapore, China and Korea is no exception. If anything, there will be more excitement than usual, since it is his first trip to the region as President and there is still tremendous foreign public interest in this appealing, young, intelligent leader, his inspiring speeches, and his photogenic wife. ... One thing you can bank on: the White House will not be looking for photo ops in opulent surroundings.

Obama vows greater US role in Asia: Philippine Star: "Walter Lohman, director of the foundation’s Asian Studies Center, said Obama can help advance US strategic interests by helping ASEAN prove its value. 'The capitals of ASEAN nations are very tolerant of dialogue for dialogue’s sake. In fact, they often testify to its dubious positive value. Americans, however, are not as patient with mere conversation,' Lohman said. Lohman said the Bush administration contributed immensely to US-ASEAN relations but its 'public diplomacy was not as successful.' 'President Bush’s decision to cancel a US-ASEAN leaders’ summit in 2007, Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice’s intermittent attendance at regional meetings, Assistant Secretary Chris Hill’s seeming indifference to Southeast Asia, contributed to a damaging impression of American withdrawal,' he said. 'That conclusion was neither fair nor accurate, but it proved difficult to shake,' he said."
Will Obama ask Hu about jamming and other Chinese media controls? - Kim Andrew Elliott discussing International Broadcasting and Public Diplomacy
US Govt. Seeks Journos’ Opinions of Obama Asia Speech - Journalism and the World: "I knew the Public Diplomacy folks were working on something like this. Every time there is a major presidential address the U.S. embassies and consulates go on full alert to nail down reactions from their sources. So the public affairs people run around to universities and journalism contacts. The econ officers talk to economists. The military people spend some time with the local brass. Etc. And lo and behold, the U.S. consulate in Hong Kong used an e-mail blast to hit their audience.

Obama: Between Idealism and Realism - Ali Asghar Kazemi, Strategic Discourse: "About ten months in office has given enough experience to Obama that war in Afghanistan is not leading anywhere and public diplomacy with respect to Iran’s nuclear ambitions is a wishful illusion.

Subject of US broadcasts to Iran raises hackles here and there - Kim Andrew Elliott discussing International Broadcasting and Public Diplomacy
Hillary's new 'blank page' - Shamshad Ahmad, The News International - "What successive US leaders over the past 60 years couldn't do, Hillary Clinton, during her first-ever visit to this country as secretary of state, has done.

Can diplomacy resolve anti-Americanism? - Ghazanfar Ali Grewal, Pakistan Observer: "It can be said that public diplomacy can be used as an effective tool to isolate the hardliners from the main stream and the former would be defeated easily. One major reason of the failure of U.S. efforts so far against hardliners is that the U.S. has remained unable to effectively employ public diplomacy techniques along with eradicating basic factors of anti-Americanism. There is no short cut to win 'the hearts and minds' of the Islamic public, but fair resolution of all the concerns of the Muslim world."
State Department regrets and deplores travails of bloggers in Azerbaijan and Cuba- Kim Andrew Elliott discussing International Broadcasting and Public Diplomacy
No Substitute For Substance - Robert R. Reilly, The Journal of International Security Affairs, Fall 2009:

Strategical versus Tactical PSY-OPS - Posted by Michigan Patriot on November 12, 2009 at 8:00am - snardfarker.ning.com: "United States PSY-OP units and soldiers of all branches of the military are prohibited by law from conducting PSY-OP missions on domestic audiences. While PSY-OP soldiers may offer non-PSY-OP related support to domestic military missions, PSY-OP can only target foreign audiences. Though, it is worth noting that this does not rule out PSY-OP targeting foreign audiences of allied nations.

I discovered twitter: The Jeff Pulver Blog by jeff, posted at Sipy: "Earlier this week I sat down with Film News Briefs for an interview. Below is an excerpt from the interview: Film News Briefs (FNB) Innovators: Jeff Pulver FNB: "How did you discover Twitter? JP: I cheated a little bit. A friend was using twitter, at CES [Consumer Electronic Show] 2007. ... FNB: How do you feel Twitter has changed community? JP: Right now the thing that has happened with Twitter — believe me, no one from San Francisco went to Iran and recommended this to the dissidents and suggested using Twitter to tweet the Iranian election. No one went to Hollywood and said if you’re a celebrity, use twitter to delineate the studios cause we can give you direct branding. But it’s happening.

'US, Israel, share ties, not a romance' - Hilary Leila Krieger, Jerusalem Post: 'The [November 9 White House] meeting was closed to the media and apart from a brief and laconic White House press statement, neither of the sides made any comments to reporters following the discussion. Netanyahu met with Obama tête-à-tête

On the Golan – Paul Rockower, Levantine: "Israel is far too isolated and needs to maneuver some way forward to break out of the diplomatic hole it is in.

Israeli Foreign Ministry Drops Peace As Goal - Resist Zionism - "Zionism is a racist political movement that began in the 1890's and does not represent Judaism: Israeli Foreign Minister Avigdor Lieberman has set priorities for his ministry that apparently are at odds with those of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. ... Public diplomacy and Israel’s image in the world come fourth on the ministry’s priorities list. Lieberman introduced a new goal called 'international law,' perhaps as a result of the Operation Cast Lead and the subsequent Goldstone report ."
Today's lesson: Omar Al Bashir - Cengiz Aktar, Hurriyet Daily News - "Let me make a free contribution to the ongoing 5th Academy of Politics organized by the ruling Justice and Development Party, or AKP, because the 'do’s and don’ts' of politics that we witnessed with Sudanese President Omar al-Bashir’s

South Africa - Speech By Minister Nkoana-Mashabane At The Heads Of Mission: Conference For The Asia And Middle East Region, New Delhi, India, 13 November 2009 - ISRIA: From the speech: “We have made tremendous progress in our relations with Asia and the Middle East on all fronts – economically, politically and socially. We will be discussing various aspects of this progress in detail in the course of today and tomorrow. All what I can do for now is to highlight some of the issues as well as what I consider to be some of our challenges moving forward.The thrust of our bilateral and multilateral engagement with countries of this Region is in the following areas, namely: ... 6. Branding and promoting the image of South Africa through our Public Diplomacy campaign in particular.”
Plan for Mohammed's trial upholds U.S. values The decision to try Khalid Shaikh Mohammed and four other accused 9/11 conspirators in the civilian judicial system shows a commitment to the rule of law – Editorial, Los Angeles Times
A Return to American Justice – Editorial, New York Times:

Terrorism on trial: There are good reasons to try Khalid Sheik Mohammed in New York – Editorial, Washington Post: The government should have the flexibility to detain dangerous suspects who cannot be tried and those who may escape conviction in a court of law but remain a threat. But that must be done with strong protections in place, including vigorous judicial oversight. The administration and Congress have yet to grapple with the need for legislation to provide such a system.