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Epic Barbra Streisand Photos

Sometimes when I feel like looking up awesome photos, I Google photos of Barbra Streisand from the 1960s and 1970s. She did every fashion fad BIG TIME, from demure princess evening gowns to flat-out Valley Of The Dolls shit. And don't even get me started on her '80s looks.

Look how tan and fit she was!

She even had a grunge/ bank robber look!

But THIS! This has to be the most wackadoo photo of Barbra Streisand EVAR:
So, apparently the backstory was High Society magazine, which was neither High nor Society, published a photo of Babs' boob. Babs sued and won. I would imagine Barbra Streisand has excellent legal assist.

Anyway, the High Society cover was ripped from a still of her in "What's Up Doc."

And CHECK OUT THAT OUTFIT. Amazing. I beseech you. Does loungewear get better than this? No.