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Candace Ang's Dinosaur Necklaces + Iosselliani And Fall/ Winter 2010 Pieces

So, I visited W29 Showroom the other week. That place is a fashion fulcrum for some of my favorite left-of-center designers like Ashish, who LOVES a sequin, and I DEFY YOU not to love sequins too.

Anyway, check out a few snaps I took of Iossellani's Fall/Winter 2010 tribal/Westerny-inspired/ Fleetwood Mac-ish heavy metal pieces.

Um, this is ALL ONE PIECE. If I could only wear one piece for the rest of my life, it'd be this one. Because it's like 23939 necklaces in one. This + a white t-shirt and some skinny black ankle-length pants and a pair of slipons? Are you kidding me?

($675, Iosselliani)
The tribal pièce de résistance!!

Candace Ang's phenomenal chunky mixed material (bullets! mesh-wrapped gems!) bracelets.

And here we have Candace Ang's hilariously cheeky dinosaur necklace from her collaboration with Margita Saplala. Annoyingly this dino necklace has -- har -- since become extinct, but the pyrite T Rex necklace is still around.

($210, Candace Ang, store.candaceang.com)

Also, can dinosaurs please be the new owls? PLEASE?