The most-anticipated Telugu movie of the year, Khaleja is all set to release this Friday amidst title controversy. The movie is said to face a tough battle from Robo, the dubbed version of Endhiran. Now, the real question is whether Khaleja will win this race. Will Mahesh Babu’s star power stand tall in front of superstar Rajinikanth?
Director Shankar’s Robo is roaring at the box-office across the globe. Even in Andhra Pradesh, the movie is running with packed-house. On the other hand, Mahesh Babu’s first movie in the 3 years has generated a huge expectations in Tollywood and Prince’s fans are keeping their fingers crossed.
Trade analysts are predicting a stiff battle among these two films. They reckon that Khaleja would get good opening, but surely the movie could not be released in many theatres as Rajini’s movie is doing good business. Trivikram’s movie may have to release with less prints.
The sci-fi movie Robo is big budget film ever made in India. Then again, Khaleja happens to be the highest ever budget film of Telugu. But the movies are of different genres and actors are of different calibres, so both the movies can become blockbuster movies of the year. What do you say? Comment below.