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November 15


--What George Washington University President Steven Knapp earned in pay and benefits in 2008


--The compensation of Georgetown President John DeGioia


--Earnings of American University President Cornelius "Neil" Kerwin


--What Catholic University's Very Rev. David O'Connell earned a year


--The annual salary of the President of the United States; image from


Summit Schedule of Events (November 16-19) US Center for Citizen Diplomacy


USEF Pakistan Partnership Program - paperpk.com: "U.S.-Pakistan Professional Partnership Program for Public Information Professionals Participant Selection[:] The United States Educational Foundation in Pakistan (USEFP) invites applications from Pakistani nationals for a new professional partnership program.

Throughout 2011 and 2012, this program will provide public information professionals is the opportunity to travel to the U.S. and take part in a three to four week internship program. This program will emphasize how government agencies communicate effectively with the public. This includes how government officials interface with the community, work with the media, use new media and information technologies, and develop public relations and public diplomacy strategies. Pakistani professionals will share their professional expertise with U.S. colleagues and will team with them to see how public information professionals will also travel to Pakistan to work with Pakistani colleagues they hosted in the United States." Image from

Conversations at the Center - Rethinking Public Diplomacy: Religion Discourse in the Middle East - Programs, Arizona State University: "Dr. Evelyn A. Early served as Counselor for Press and Cultural Affairs at the American Embassy in Rabat before joining Air University as the Senior State Department Advisor in September 2008. Her AU portfolios include strategic communication and interagency curriculum; she also teaches in the Department of International Security Studies. ... Dr. Early

joined the U.S. diplomatic service in the eighties and worked as the Director of the American Cultural Center in Khartoum, Sudan; the press attaché for the American Embassy in Rabat; the Country Affairs Officer for North Africa in USIA in Washington; the Director of the American Cultural Center in Damascus: and the Counselor for Press and Cultural Affairs at the American Embassy in Prague, Czech Republic. ... Dr. Early’s current research focuses on Arab satellite television’s impact on cultural discourse, and on a critique of Middle East political development theory." Early image from article

Just Listen - Fire & Leight - Naomi Leight, Thoughts on public diplomacy, the world and my life: "While I agree that public diplomacy should be apolitical and a coordinated effort with a clear message, Israel is considered to have one of the most advanced public diplomacy strategies. From the strategic partnership with the U.S. Jewish Diaspora (both monetarily and politically) to being the first nation with a Twitter account and country blog, Israel has a well-oiled hasbara machine. Israel explains, however, what Israeli public diplomacy does not do is listen. Listening is the key component to an effective public diplomacy strategy. Instead of listening to the world, to her Arab neighbors, to her left-leaning public and to the Palestinians, Israel sticks her fingers in her ears and continues to explain without success. In order for Israel's public diplomacy to succeed, more than anything, she needs to start listening."

Li Hong Kong Baptist University, honorary doctorate - 70794.com: "Hong Kong Baptist University president inauguration ceremony held on 15 May, and presented an honorary doctorate to the diplomat Li Zhaoxing, physicist John Pendry, the artist Man House, 5 distinguished persons in recognition of their outstanding achievements in various fields and contribution to society. ... Baptist University, said in a statement, was awarded the honorary doctorate of humanities Li Zhaoxing,

a former Permanent Representative of China and Chinese Vice Foreign Minister, ministers and other staff. He was appointed ambassador in 4 years, led to the establishment of permanent normal trade relations with China and the U.S.. His 2003 to 2007 served as Minister of Foreign Affairs, and actively carry out 'public diplomacy', the measures to become the fine tradition of the Foreign Ministry." Li Zhaoxing image from article

Is there such a thing as a course in nation branding and public diplomacy? - 4u-2.com: "Question by itsnotmeitsu: Is there such a thing as a course in nation branding and public diplomacy? If so,which universities offer it?What job opportunities are available? Best answer: Answer by Westhill They have a course at Oxford. http://www.sbs.ox.ac.uk/news/archives/MBA/National+branding+in+Europe"

1112 - Seminar thoughts Seki Hiroshi - kimsemiblog2010.blogspot.com: [Google translation] "Seminars while they belong to more than six months, first let me worry about what Itadakimashita NC served as a presenter.

大きなテーマを「21世紀型の日本のアイデンティティ」と題しまして、主にPublic Diplomacy手法を用いた日本の文化発信について取り扱わらせていただきました。 A major theme 'Japanese identity' 21st century entitles primarily on Public Diplomacy Itadakimashita we treat them using the method of Japanese Culture. 今回のNCをサポートしてくれたコメンテーターの2人である田島さんと吉田君にこの場を借りてお礼を申し上げたいと思います" "Lost in Translation" image from

Framing and Public Diplomacy: More Thoughts... - Yelena Osipova, Global Chaos: "[W]hen trying to construct any form of effective communication strategy and framing, it is very important to consider the context – the socially created symbolic reality – within which that communication is framed and interpreted.

That is why framing is an even greater challenge for those dealing with foreign cultures and publics – as in the case of public diplomacy – since it necessitates a thorough knowledge of the culture and the themes/frames that would resonate most to bring about the desired outcome. ... Cultural congruence, however, can be very difficult to achieve (even if just considering the elites), and ... active engagement and empathy with audiences, as well as mutual understanding, might be key to creating room for 'frame promotion.' This requires, however, a true devotion to the principle of symmetric communication and openness to listening to the 'other,' too. Without it, simple one-way feeding of information and might not only fail to invoke the desired frames among the audience, but can bring about the rejection of information altogether, due to cognitive resistance and counter-arguing." Image from


More on Obama in Indonesia - James Fallows, theatlantic.com: The positive receptions for Obama in India or Indonesia do not change the significance of the failure to reach an expected trade agreement with Korea. But they're worth keeping in the balance as part of the record of the trip. Via PK.

Madam Secretary's Middle East - Roger Cohen, New York Times: Here’s the administration’s Middle East shift: Secretary of State Hillary Clinton has taken charge. Clinton has to persuade Israel the best way to disarm Iran is by removing the core of Tehran’s propaganda — the plight of stateless Palestinians.

On Afghanistan, we’re getting propaganda - Norman Spector, Globe and Mail: The end date of 2014 as the end-date for the Afghanistan mission: by early Fall, it began to show up in statements from NATO.

Now, it’s the only date you hear coming from Washington – accompanied by considerable propaganda about how the situation on the ground is improving. Image from

China Surges Past India as Top Home of Foreign Students
- Tamar Lewin, New York Times: The number of Chinese students studying in the United States surged 30 percent in the 2009-10 academic year, making China, for the first time, the top country of origin for international students, according to “Open Doors,” the Institute of International Education’s annual report.

The World as He Finds It - Paul Krugman, New York Times: Abroad, Obama still leads the world’s greatest economic power — and one area where he surely would get bipartisan support would be taking a tougher

stand on China and other international bad actors. Image from

Hitler masks angers Prague's visitors: Austrian tourists are outraged over Adolf Hitler masks for sale in Prague - austrianindependent.com: Soft plastic masks showing the face of the Austrian-born leader of the German Third Reich, who committed suicide in the final days of World War Two in 1945, have become the best-sold item in several souvenir shops in the Czech capital’s city centre. Selling items like the Hitler masks is not prohibited by Czech law, as it is in neighbouring Austria, whose anti-Nazi propaganda regulations are considered as one of the strictest in the world.

The purchase of fun masks depicting the face of the anti-semitic dictator has caused anger among Austrians visiting Prague. Image from article


Sex addiction rehab a thriving industry: Celebrity sex scandals have helped fuel mainstream demand for treatment of sex addiction, though it has yet to be officially acknowledged as a disorder and is not under government regulation - Harriet Ryan, Los Angeles Times: Sex addiction treatment is expanding despite costs that can quickly rise into the tens of thousands of dollars.

The tony Sierra Tucson, an Arizona center for sex, drug and other addictions; the place costs $40,000 a month. The Sexual Recovery Institute charges $7,500 for a two-week outpatient program. Image from