"May Allah bless the insufferable and able Mr. Holbrooke. And may the people of Pakistan and Afghanistan remember that he -- of Jewish ancestry -- strove to save Muslims in Bosnia, when precious few in the world cared."
--From the Huffington Post
"What's the most dangerous place in the Balkans? Between Dick Holbrooke and a TV camera."
--Joke in Serbia during the mid-90s
Obama special envoy Holbrooke dies at 69 - The Oval, usatoday.com: Richard Holbrooke's Brilliant Drive - John Kerry ... 'This awful news is almost incomprehensible, not least of all because I cannot imagine Richard Holbrooke in anything but a state of perpetual motion. He was always working. He was always a man on a mission, the toughest mission, and that mission was waging peace through tough as nails, never quit diplomacy—and Richard's life's work saved tens of thousands of lives.

We loved his energy, we loved his resolve—that's who Richard was, and he died giving everything he had to one last difficult mission for the country he loved. It is almost a bittersweet bookend that a career of public diplomacy that began trying to save a war gone wrong, now ends with a valiant effort to keep another war from going wrong.'" Holbrooke image from article
US embassy cables: A quickfire tour of Muslim Britain - guardian.co.uk: Thursday, 25 October 2007, 16:38 C O N F I D E N T I A L SECTION 01 OF 05 LONDON ... SUBJECT: EUR SENIOR ADVISOR PANDITH AND S/P ADVISOR COHEN'S VISIT TO THE UK, OCTOBER 9-14, 2007 ... 4. (C) With the FCO's Policy Planning Middle East analyst Richard Shaw, [S/P Member Jared] Cohen described current USG thinking on the linkage between public diplomacy, counter terrorism, and counter radicalization. Shaw said the UK's overall approach is focused on how likely Muslims are to turn to violence. Unlike the U.S. September 11 attack, Shaw noted, all of the UK terrorist attacks and would-be attacks have been perpetrated by 'home grown' terrorists. What is considered foreign policy for the USG is both domestic and foreign for the UK, he pointed out. Pandith, Cohen and Shaw discussed the importance of trying to work with youth through web-based technology and communications, since these are some of Al Qaida's primary tools. They also discussed the limitations of traditional outreach methods, including government-supported exchange programs, which pay off handsomely for those who participate but reach a mere handful of people, many of whom are already inclined to anti-extremist sentiment. Foreign Secretary David Miliband is focused on exactly these types of questions, Shaw said.'
Wikileaks, an Opportunity for the Iranian Diplomacy - Mohammad Farazmand, payvand.com: "The Iranian diplomatic apparatus should raise the expectation that Arab countries mentioned in the [leaked] documents better make up for untoward impact of these revelations on diplomatic relations and public diplomacy and try to appease Iran as well as the public opinion in the Arab world."
AtMedvedevRussia, Are You Listening? A Story of 6 Months on Twitter - Yelena Osipova, globalvoicesonline.org: "It all started with a tweet. 'Hello everyone! I'm on Twitter, and this is my first tweet,' wrote Dmitry Medvedev during a visit to Twitter headquarters in Silicon Valley on June 23, 2010. The Russian president created two official Twitter accounts - one in Russian and one in English - in a publicity tour that made headlines around the world. With 2010 coming to a close, we take a look back on some of the highlights of the president's first six months on Twitter. It was a brilliant public relations play that complemented the President's other efforts to capture opportunities offered by social networking and new media. Within minutes, Medvedev's

Twitter account attracted some 1000+ followers. People on RuNet (the Russian internet) responded with intense interest and a flurry of comments and reactions. In the six months that followed, Medvedev successfully managed to engage 141,585 followers on his Russian Twitter account by posting photos, links to news, and even some personal commentary. The presidential Twitpic profile deserves special mention as Medvedev often demonstrates his tech-savviness by sharing pictures he takes with his iPhone. Apple should almost be paying him for the publicity. President Medvedev's fondness of Apple products is obvious, pictured here with an iPad at G8 Summit in Canada in June, 2010. It was also a great public diplomacy effort, as Medvedev's English-language Twitter account - aimed at foreign audiences - attracted 59,724 followers and provided for quite some discussions over the coming months in the global public sphere that is Twitter. ... The president's new responsiveness to citizens shows the potential for major transformation in communication for both public relations and public diplomacy purposes." Image from article: President Medvedev's fondness of Apple products is obvious, pictured here with an iPad at G8 Summit in Canada in June, 2010.
Digital divide - Michael Mitsos, Dimensions: "Imagine a little dialogue: 'The leaks are unfortunate,' Obama said Erdogan. «Μην ανησυχείς, δεν θα επηρεάσουν τις σχέσεις µας», απαντά ο δεύτερος. "Do not worry, it will not affect our relationship," replies the second. Οι διαρροές ή το περιεχόµενό τους; Leaks or content? Ενα ισχυρό σύµπτωµα της σχέσης µας µε την ψηφιακή κουλτούρα: έτσι βλέπει την υπόθεση Wikileaks ο Μιλάντ Ντουιχί, καθηγητής στο Πανεπιστήµιο Λαβάλ του Κεµπέκ και συγγραφέας, µεταξύ άλλων, της 'Μεγάλης Ψηφιακής Μετατροπής' (Εκδ. Seuil). A strong sign of our relationship with the digital culture: thus sees the Wikileaks case Milant Ntouichi, a professor at Laval University in Quebec and author, inter alia, 'The Great Digital Transformation' (published by Seuil). Μα υπάρχει τέτοια κουλτούρα; Ναι, στον βαθµό που µεταβάλλει τη µατιά µας στα πράγµατα, τους θεσµούς και τις πρακτικές. But there is such a culture? Yes, to the extent that changes our view on things, institutions and practices. Και το κάνει, µετατρέποντας τον πολίτη σε εξουσιοδοτηµένο αναγνώστη και ενηµερωµένο ακροατή.

And it does, turning the citizen to an authorized reader and informed audience. Από τη διάκριση µεταξύ κυβερνώντων και κυβερνωµένων,που τους χώριζε η πρόσβαση στα απόκρυφα της εξουσίας και τα µυστικά των πολιτικών αποφάσεων, έχουµε περάσει πλέον σε µια υβριδική και πιο πολύπλοκη εποχή, όπου ο πολίτης διαθέτει καινούργιους τρόπους δράσης. Since the distinction between rulers and ruled, separating them access to power and esoteric secrets of political decisions, we also now a hybrid and more complex era in which the people have new ways of action. Το ζητούµενο είναι ποια κατεύθυνση θα έχει αυτή η δράση. The question is what direction will this effect. Ενα από τα µαθήµατα αυτής της υπόθεσης,γράφειο Ντουιχί στη 'Μοντ', είναι η ανάγκη να επανεξεταστούν οι θεωρίες της 'δηµόσιας διπλωµατίας' (public diplomacy) και της «ήπιας εξουσίας» (soft power) που είναι της µόδας στις Ηνωµένες Πολιτείες. One of the lessons of this affair, office Ntouichi the 'Mo'" is the need to review the theories of 'public diplomacy' (public diplomacy) and 'soft power' (soft power)

that are fashionable in the United States. Και στις δύο περιπτώσεις, οι ιστοσελίδες κοινωνικής δικτύωσης και συµµετοχής των πολιτών παίζουν σηµαντικό ρόλο στις στρατηγικές της δηµόσιας επικοινωνίας και στην προώθηση συγκεκριµένων συµφερόντων. In both cases, the social networking and citizen participation play an important role in the strategies of public communication and to promote specific interests. Γιατί όµως αυτά τα εργαλεία να τυγχάνουν µονόδροµης χρήσης, αφού η βασική αρχή τους είναι ηαντικατάσταση των ιεραρχικών δοµών από µια οριζόντια και ισότιµη επικοινωνία; Αν η διπλωµατία είναι η τέχνη του ρεαλισµού, δεν πρέπει, εκτός από το να χρησιµοποιεί αυτά τα εργαλεία, να λαµβάνει υπόψη και τις άλλες χρήσεις τους; Μπορεί η 'δηµόσια διπλωµατία' να στηρίζεται σε µυστικά έγγραφα; Η µήπως η πολιτική των µεγάλων χωρών πρέπει να είναι προστατευµένη από τους περιορισµούς και τις δοκιµασίες του ψηφιακά ανανεωµένου δηµόσιου χώρου; But why these tools are one way to use, since the principle is the hierarchical structures or replace a horizontal and equitable communication? If diplomacy is the art of realism should not, except to use these tools to take account and other uses? Can 'public diplomacy' to be based on secret documents; or whether the policy of large countries should be protected by restrictions and testing of digital revamped public space? Ο πολίτης είναι σήµερα πάνω απ' όλα ένας πρωταγωνιστής που διαβάζει και συγκρίνει αδιάκοπα από τη µια µεριά πληροφορίες και γνώσεις, συχνά περιθωριακού χαρακτήρα, κι από την άλλη επίσηµους λόγους. The citizen is now first and foremost an actor who constantly reads and compares the one hand information and knowledge, often marginal nature, and the other official purposes. Η σύγκρουση µεταξύ των δύο αυτών πηγών, αποτέλεσµα σε µεγάλο βαθµό της ψηφιακής κουλτούρας, βρίσκεται στον πυρήνα της σύγχρονης ιδιαιτερότητάς µας. The conflict between these two sources, a result largely of digital culture at the heart of our modern individuality. Η πολιτική πρέπει να βρει µια νέα ηθική και έναν νέο τρόπο λειτουργίας, πιο προσαρµοσµένα στην αναδυόµενη κοινωνικότητα. The policy must find a new ethic and a new mode most suited to emerging socialization. Η υπόθεση Wikileaks δεν αποτελεί παρά µια ένδειξη, χωρίς άλλο σοβαρή, ενός διαφαινόµενου ψηφιακού ρήγµατος ανάµεσα στην πολιτική και τους πολίτες. The Wikileaks case is only an indication, with no serious, an emerging digital divide between politics and citizens. Για να αποτραπεί η εδραίωση αυτού του ρήγµατος, πρέπει να ληφθούν υπόψη οι πραγµατικότητες και οι δυνατότητες του ψηφιακού περιβάλλοντος. To prevent the establishment of this fault should be taken into account the realities and possibilities of the digital environment. Αλλιώς, διάλογοι σαν κι αυτόν ανάµεσα στον Οµπάµα και τον Ερντογάν δεν θα προκαλούν παρά ειρωνικά χαµόγελα για τον υποκριτικό τους χαρακτήρα. Otherwise, dialogue like that between Obama and Erdogan will not cause the ironical smiles on their hypocritical nature." Image (1 from article) (2) from
Rover's Diary: Let us meet in cyber space! — Babar Ayaz, dailytimes.com.pk: "Six months from now, business between Indian and Pakistani IT companies should be initialised and progressing and 'money should be flowing both way.' ... There is no reason that one should doubt the enthusiasm of IT professionals from both sides of the divide. Perhaps the professionals who work over and above geographical, barbed-wire borders in cyber space can take the peace initiative of civil society up another notchTo bring the two countries together, a lot of emphasis was given to building ‘public diplomacy’."
Quiet US diplomacy fails Arab reform - Andrew Albertson, Daily Star: "Quiet diplomacy has not succeeded in advancing political reform in the Arab world during the Obama administration’s first two years. There are signs that officials are considering ways to adjust going forward, which might yet result in a more assertive effort of frank public diplomacy and substantive policy incentives. In order for the administration to help reverse the regressive trend in Arab politics, it will need to demonstrate stronger linkages between its rhetoric on human rights and political reform on the one hand, and policy consequences on the other."
From high hoops to home truths - Daniel Ben-Tal, Israel 21C: "Perhaps Israel's most-famous sportsman, Tal Brody

is now a Goodwill Ambassador: 'With my 45 years in Israel, I can help other people see many beautiful things. ... Two years ago, I handed my portfolios over to a large company so that I could go out and do public diplomacy - it's necessary now more than ever. With my 45 years in Israel, I can help other people see many beautiful things. All my life in Israel I've always been asked to speak about the country.'" Image from article: A champion: Tal Brody in 1977 after winning the European Championships, and putting Israel on the map in the basketball world. Image from article
Belarus' Friendship Society for peaceful settlement of Korean conflict - National Legal Internet Portal: "Belarus’ Society of Friendship and Cultural Links with Foreign Countries, in particular, the Belarus-South Korea Society, is deeply concerned over the military conflict on the Korean Peninsula that resulted in deaths and injuries, says the joint statement of Belarus’ Society of Friendship and Cultural Links with Foreign Countries. The statement was announced on 10 December at a briefing at the Embassy of the Republic of Korea in Belarus, BelTA learnt from Chairperson of Belarus’ Friendship Society Nina Ivanova. 'We have witnessed again how fragile and vulnerable peace is, how important it is to preserve it,' the statement says. The activists of the society as representatives of public diplomacy, have always opposed military violence and aggression between states and advocated peaceful settlement of conflicts through negotiations and compromises, Nina Ivanova said. Belarus’ Society of Friendship and Cultural Links with Foreign Countries was established in 1926 upon the initiative of prominent intellectual and scientists of Belarus. For many years, the friendship society has been making considerable contribution to the promotion of peace and friendship between nations."
Sonny Bill Williams Needs to Decide if He Is a Boxer or a Rugby Player - Premier League FanHouse: "Crusaders coach Todd Blackadder publicly insists that he is fine with his star player mixing it in the ring but behind the public diplomacy, he must be dreading Williams' decision. ... Crusaders coach Todd Blackadder publicly insists that he is fine with his star player mixing it in the ring but behind the public diplomacy, he must be dreading Williams' decision."

Uncaptioned image (presumably with the muscular person in the photo Williams) from
Exceptionalism and the left: The great warriors for social justice in our history insisted that America had a providential destiny. But they used American exceptionalism to critique America's vices, not just to sing its virtues - Jonathan Zimmerman, Los Angeles Times: To Obama's Republican critics, American exceptionalism is synonymous with American superiority: We're not just different, we're better. He should reply with a full-throated defense of a different kind of exceptionalism, one that underscores America's historic struggle to realize its proclaimed values.
Air Force Limits Access to Web Sites Over Secret Cables - Eric Schmidt, New York Times: The Air Force is barring its personnel from using work computers to view the Web sites of The New York Times and more than 25 other news organizations and blogs that have posted secret cables obtained by WikiLeaks, Air Force officials said Tuesday.
WikiLeaks in the Moral Void - Christian Caryl, New York Review of Books: What, precisely, are the criteria by which WikiLeaks is deciding to release the cables it opts to publish? How are WikiLeaks and its print media partners editing them? According to a vetting process described by The Guardian and The New York Times, they have been deleting the names of some of the people mentioned in the cables—but not others. Why, precisely? Via
The Syntax of Style: A guide to the literary tropes and rhetorical forms that once made English prose so stylish and compelling - Henry Hitchins, Wall Street Journal: In its popular use, the adjective "rhetorical" has become a slur, conveying images of bombast and bloatedness. We are apt to associate it with the prolix statements of policy makers and the aureate pomposity of evangelists.

Mr. Farnsworth wants to reclaim the word and the principles it truly betokens. The ancient literature on rhetoric includes works by Aristotle, Cicero and Quintilian. The subject was treated extensively by Renaissance scholars such as Erasmus and Juan Luis Vives, George Puttenham and Thomas Wilson. Its modern apostles, on the whole less eminent, are numerous.The ancient literature on rhetoric includes works by Aristotle, Cicero and Quintilian. Image from
"A graduate of Brown University, Holbrooke's experience extended from Vietnam to the post-9/11 era."
--Joe Sterling, CNN