"Just as steel can be used to build hospitals or machine guns, or nuclear power can either energize a city or destroy it, modern information networks and the technologies they support can be harnessed for good or for ill."
--Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, in her remarks on internet freedom (January 21); image from
Propaganda as "a mere tool is no more moral or immoral than a pump handle."
--Social scientist Harold Lasswell (1928)
U.S. Should Prioritize English-Language Promotion Posted - Frankie Sturm, letcteachers.wordpress.com: "[T]eaching English is good for business. But it can also deliver strategic benefits in terms of trade, public diplomacy, and even military strength.

That’s why English-language programs should be given more priority in U.S. foreign policy. ... [T]he U.S. has not given English-language programming the funding priority it deserves. To its credit, the Obama administration did request additional funds for English-language programs in its FY2010 budget, but the overall numbers remain low." Image from article: A Peace Corps volunteer teaching English at an all-girls school in Jordan.
Today, American film night - gfcnieuws.com: [Google translation from the Dutch]: "Tonight at 19.00 hours, the U.S. Embassy in Suriname's first 'American Movie' Night. De spits wordt afgebeten met de film 'Citizen King', die op een groot scherm vertoond zal worden in de Eddy Wessels gehoorzaal van het Cultureel Centrum Suriname (CCS) aan de Henck Arronstraat, zo meld t Ingrid Hill, Public Diplomacy Assistant bij de Amerikaanse ambassade.

The striker is bitten by the movie 'Citizen King' on a big screen will be in the Eddy Wessels auditorium of the Cultural Centre Suriname (CCS) at the Henck Arron Street, so sign up Ingrid Hill, Public Diplomacy Assistant to the U.S. Embassy. 'Citizen King' is een documentaire die het verhaal vertelt over de laatste vijf jaren van Martin Luther King. 'Citizen King' is a documentary that tells the story of the last five years of Martin Luther King." Image from article
Thursday, January 27, 2011 - Rush Limbaugh Report: "US FOR PUBLIC DIPLOMACY AND PUBLIC AFFAIRS JUDITH MCHALE 3:15 p.m. Under Secretary McHale joins Secretary Clinton’s meeting with students and teachers from Brazil participating in the Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs Youth Ambassadors program, at the Department of State. (POOLED PRESS COVERAGE) 4:00 p.m. Under Secretary McHale attends a Farewell Reception for Dr. Anne-Marie Slaughter, at the Department of State. (CLOSED PRESS COVERAGE)"
"NATO Salad", S. Caucasus style - Yelena Osipova, Global Chaos: "In our Public Diplomacy class today, we discussed at length the significance of 'Collaboration' for effective public diplomacy through sustainable achievement. ... NATO's Science for Peace and Security Program does just that in the Southern Caucasus."
VOL. VII NO. 2, January 14- January 27, 2011 - The Layalina Review on Public Diplomacy and Arab Media:
"An Uncertain Future After Tunisia Experts and citizens alike are all abuzz following the overthrow of Tunisian President Ben Ali, offering different observations and predictions about the region's future. However, all eyes have now turned to Egypt, where political and press repression may provide the stage for the next citizen uprising.
Social Media Revolution or Not? Following the Tunisian revolution, social media advocates claim that the internet played a large role in the uprising. Meanwhile, skeptics continue to question attributing a popular uprising to new media, pointing out that other conditions may have been more relevant factors.
Reforms in the Middle East and the Rise of Islamists Secretary of State Hillary Clinton publically chastised Arab governments for their lack of reforms and rampant corruption, while expressing her concerns about rising Islamists. Analysts echoed her concerns, although some are arguing a democratic change would mean legitimizing their presence.
Islamophobia Revisited According to pundits, ten years after 9/11, Islamophobia and negative perception of Muslim communities have not assuaged in America, with a growing number of attacks or acts of discrimination.
A Confusing Foreign Policy A number of political analyst are denouncing President Obama’s foreign policy as ambiguous, reproaching his position on the Israeli/Palestinian conflict. While some feel that he has put foreign policy on the backburner, others believe Mr. Obama’s efforts have been undermined by unwilling partners.
Al-Jazeera’s Role in Jasmine Revolution Sinner or saint? A number of viewpoints are debated regarding Al-Jazeera’s role in social movements and uprising, such as happened in Tunisia. Is the Qatari channel’s reporting controversial or rather the only accurate one in a region where censorship is the rule?
Cyber Al-Qaeda Scholars are increasingly concerned that Al-Qaeda will be able to capitalize upon a generation of disillusioned, tech-savvy youths. The proposed solution exhorts schools and families to play an active role in monitoring and raising awareness.
Women Find Voice on Facebook A group of women in Saudi Arabia established a political group entitled 'Baladi' (Arabic for my country), in which they are campaigning for a more active role in municipal elections through the popular networking site Facebook."
Hello, we are looking for talent! - mignews.blogspot.com: [Google translation] "Недавно министр информации и диаспоры Израиля Юлий Эдельштейн провел неформальную встречу с представителями еврейской общины Торонто. Recently, information minister of Israel and the Diaspora, Yuli Edelstein held an informal meeting with representatives of the Jewish community in Toronto. Ее организатором выступил главный раввин JRCC Йосиф Зальцман, а в роли гостеприимных хозяев стала семья Инны и Вала Левитан. It was organized by Rabbi Yosef Zaltzman JRCC, and the role of hospitable hosts became the family of Ina and Val Levitan.

Как сделать так, чтобы картина израильской жизни была более объективной в глазах мирового сообщества, чем могут помочь друзья Израиля в других странах – об этом шел разговор на встрече. How to make a picture of Israeli life was more objective in the eyes of the world than can help Friends of Israel in other countries - this was a conversation at the meeting. ... - What's in a position to make officials of one ministry? - А кто сказал, что мы одни? - And who said that we are alone? На английском языке оно называется Ministry of Public Diplomacy, на русский это можно перевести как министерство народной дипломатии. In English it is called the Ministry of Public Diplomacy, in Russian it can be translated as the ministry of public diplomacy. Основная наша концепция в том, что каждый житель страны может стать ее послом. Our main concept is that every citizen can become its ambassador. Посмотрите: ежегодно более полутора миллионов израильтян путешествуют по миру. Look: each year more than half a million Israelis traveling around the world. Каждый из них способен объективно рассказать о жизни его страны, о том, что происходит за рамками 'специфичной' информации, предоставляемой мировыми СМИ. Each of them is able to objectively describe the life of his country, about what is happening outside the 'specific' information provided by the international media."
Arab world appalled by Palestinian negotiators - Gil Yaron, thestar.com/news [January 24]: "Nothing demonstrates the gap between secret and public diplomacy as well as Monday’s response to news that Palestinian negotiators have been discussing major concessions during their Mideast peace talks for the last four years."
No need for South Block to panic - blogs.rediff.com: "In any case, as regards the monster of terrorism, we only have compounded the problem by ourselves raising the template of Hindu terrorism with such a lot of drum-beating by top politicians including Rahul Gandhi. However, there is no need to panic at this stage. Sensible diplomacy should have been to keep the lines of communication open at this juncture rather than shutting them down. If the Indian leadership is beginning to get stomach spasm that Pakistan may raise at Thimpu the issue of Rahul Gandhi’s WikiLeaks statements or about Hindu extremists having attacked Samjhauta Express and killed dozens of Pakistani nationals (the latter it certainly will), well, it can’t be helped at this stage. But the right thing to do to get out of the awkward situation should have been to instruct the Foreign Secretary to avail of the Thimpu consultations to convey a reasonable explanation (which we are by no means lacking) to Salman Bashir rather than rush theatrically to 'public diplomacy' in front of a group of Afghan journalist-trainees. A certain amount of grandstanding is traditional in the run-up to the India-Pakistan exchanges, but we have over-stepped in the present instance. Fasten seat belts, folks. Bumpy weather ahead. The elaborate charade of the Thimpu talks has begun."
The Big Guns In Islamabad Fashion Week - Ali, stream2pc.com: "Lahore: The Islamabad night lineup of Fashion Week shows reserved for a select few fashion already met with censorship. ... Each of the five designers participating in this evening confirmed one thing: they take part because of the stylist Tariq Amin and his unwavering support for each of them in nascent stages of their careers. 'He never missed. It is part of the family,'

said Chunni Saigol while Shahid and Belal said the stylist in many ways helped them grow as designers. However, personal relationships aside, we believe these five designers are securities that are guaranteed to calm the foreign press and public diplomacy, which constitute the bulk of the evening shows. Also keep in mind the issues of trade, the big guns are among the rare breed of designers who have efficient production units, able to deliver orders to local and foreign buyers on time. With this group, the international press and diplomatic community to see ... different parts of Pakistan." Image from article
Famous picture of the country with a risk interpretation? - luxuryehome.com: "In a sense, every Chinese are in fact a window of China, is the spokesman for China’s picture, the so-called public diplomacy is the meaning."
Danish way of life in balance with nature and the development of technological and economic - ekogroup.info: [Google translation from the Polish:] "Poland and Denmark strengthen cooperation in the framework of the upcoming presidency trio in the Council of the European Union. Ambasada Danii rozpoczyna właśnie, we współpracy z polskim Ministerstwem Gospodarki, Urzędem Regulacji Energetyki, Duńską Agencją Energii, Akademią Energii Samsø i 10 duńskimi Embassy of Denmark is launching, in cooperation with the Polish Ministry of Economy, Energy Regulatory Authority, the Danish Energy Agency, Samsoe Energy Academy, and 10 Danish partnerami, roczną kampanię informacyjną – Danish Sustainable Living – promującą duński sposób na życie w równowadze z naturą i rozwojem technologiczno-ekonomicznym. partners, an annual information campaign - Danish Sustainable Living - promoting the Danish way of living in balance with nature and technology and economic development. ... During the previous edition of the campaign have Carried out in conferences, Seminars and a journalist trip to Denmark, along with other Public Diplomacy Activities, Which Have Made It Possible to reach Hundreds of recipients Throughout Poland."
Cote D'ivoire: The Importance of South Africa’s Position on the Ivorian Political Crisis - Dimpho Motsamai, ionglobaltrends.blogspot.com: "At a press briefing in Pretoria on 21 January, South Africa’s President Jacob Zuma broke his silence on the current situation in Côte d’Ivoire. ... South Africa’s public stance on the matter has been labelled as rather ambivalent, compared to the swift and firm response from the African Union (AU), the United Nations (UN), the European Union, and the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS); who have explicitly supported

Allasane Ouattara’s electoral victory. ... To a large extent, support by various governments for Ouattara’s presidency has constituted not only an act of public diplomacy by these governments, but also an expression of foreign policy. This underscores practice of ‘good international citizenship’, which seeks to moderate the struggle for power by promoting rule-based governance." Image from article
India is fast becoming Asia’s Art & Literary Hub - Abhay K, Newswire, CPD Blog, USC Center on Public Diplomacy: "India's art and literary scene looks vibrant and growing at unprecedented pace. This certainly adds to India's traditional soft power that comes from its ancient civilization, dynamic democracy, its amazing geographical and cultural diversity, unparalleled Bollywood and re-energized world of Yoga & Ayurveda."
IIUM.fm Your Campus Radio - aznanmp.blogspot.com: "I [Aznan Mat Piah] am happy to be given the opportunity to appear live in a broadcast over IIUM.fm at 5.00pm (local time) yesterday (27 January 2011) where I was interviewed live by its DJ, Rashida Kagoli, the electronic media student who hailed from Sudan. ... During the 30-minute interview I have tried to reflect on my past experiences especially in public diplomacy during my early career at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs over a spate of 23 years which took me to serve in foreign countries as well. Public diplomacy is in fact public relations effort at the international level where the focus is communicating with foreign audiences on policies and official stances of the government or the defence of such policies abroad.

It involves managing relations with the media, managing public perception as well as positioning Malaysia's image overseas. My services (some eight years) at the Ministry of Information later in my career were spent on managing issues and media relations at the national level. Later as director of media and corporate communication at the Department of Information, I was responsible for handling relations with media, issuing of accreditation for both local and foreign journalists, attending to official functions, visits and international conferences, and managing corporate affairs of the department." Image from article
American Security Project Welcomes Public Diplomacy and Global Media Expert Katherine Brown as Adjunct Fellow - americansecurityproject.org: "Katherine Brown said: 'Global public engagement is an essential, but often overlooked, element of U.S. statecraft and national security in the 21st century.' Brown continued: 'In a fragmented and ever-changing global landscape, U.S. public diplomacy needs to be as varied and complex as the foreign communities the U.S. wants to engage with. While the transnational communications space is demanding and crowded, it also provides opportunities for innovative public diplomacy programs in and outside of government. I look forward to applying my knowledge from experiences inside the government, academia, and the field to analyze and help identify these opportunities. I’m thrilled to be joining the ASP team.'”
Jerry Springer: “The Liberals Have Won” And “We Are A Liberal Country” - Jon Bershad, mediaite.com: "SpineCrusher says: ... Iran/Contra scandal (that was a doozy that conservatives would rather forget!) which included: ... Richard R. Miller – Partner with Oliver North in IBC, an Office of Public Diplomacy front group, convicted of conspiracy to defraud the United States. ... Carl R. Channel – Office of Public Diplomacy, partner in International Business- first person convicted in the Iran/Contra scandal, pleaded guilty of one count of defrauding the United States."
Valley Gathering to Remember Auschwitz Liberation - KPSP Local 2 News: "A Palm Desert park hosted a local Holocaust memorial service Thursday,

with several special guests. ... Speakers included German Film Producer and Director Sonja Heiss, and Consul for Culture, Media, and Public Diplomacy Yehudit Galilee Metzer." Image from article
Verbatim: Diverse Voices Address Small-Biz Need for Health Care Reform - symptoms-of-prostate-cancer.com: “'Unknown supports the status quo. We unquestionably have to have reform… If this thing gets derailed, it’s going to be terrible for every person.' — James Gelfand, older administrator of shape policy, U.S. Chamber of Commerce, noting that a government plot wouldn’t be looked-for if insurance promote reforms, such as prohibiting insurers from denying coverage for pre-void circumstances, were enacted. He hopes the better goal of shape care reform — lowering costs so more public can meet the expense of coverage — doesn’t get lost in battles over public diplomacy and employer mandates."
What's Next - Sarah, Diplomat in Waiting: "Having just passed the Foreign Service Oral Assessment, I'm now beginning the process of becoming a full-fledged FSO. It should be a long, stressful, and exciting journey: Once it's determined that I am, in fact, suitable, I will be placed on the 'register', or list of all other candidates seeking to be appointed to the FS as a political officer (all other 'cones' have separate registers, so I'm not competing directly against Public Diplomacy, Management, Economic, or Consular candidates).

Place on the register is determined by score at the Oral Assessment (OA, mine = 5.5) and any bonus points (0.5 for Arabic). My best guess at the moment is that I will be in the top 10 people on the register." Sarah image from her blog
US consular employees kill 2 'gunmen,' civilian in Lahore - Bill Roggio, longwarjournal.org: The Pakistani reaction to the US consular employee's killing of two "gunmen" who attempted to attack and possibly rob him, and the subsequent death of a civilian struck by another consular vehicle coming to his rescue, has the potential to spark violent protests against US and other Western nations in Pakistan, and will serve as fodder for anti-US propaganda for the Taliban and al Qaeda.
The botched Pentagon propaganda programme - voltairenet.org: The National Endowment for Democracy(NED) is concerned about the funds mobilized by the Department of Defense (DoD) for propaganda purposes. Indeed, the Pentagon budget is extravagant compared to that of the Department of State on whose prerogatives the DoD has been worming in for the past 7 years.

In 2010, the Defense Secretary had asked Congress for nearly one billion dollars for "strategic communications" and "information operations". However, some effective lobbying by the Secretary of State induced US lawmakers to slash the budget virtually in half. Against the backdrop of this administrative war, the NED published a report blasting the Defense Department for its mismanagement and complete lack of know-how. The Pentagon, Information Operations, and International Media Development, by Peter Cary. A Report to the Center for International Media Assistance (CIMA), a project of the National Endowment for Democracy (NED). November 2010.
Obama exploits South Sudanese independence struggle for propaganda - Bill Weinberg, ww4report.com