"[The] Declaration of Independence is, in effect, a work of propaganda -- or, to put it more politely, an exercise in public diplomacy intended to enlist other countries to the cause."
--New BBG Chairman Walter Isaacson, from a 2004 article

"[T]he propagandist ... is nothing else and nothing more than the representative of the organization – or, rather, a delegated fraction of it. He remains a manipulator, in the shadow of the machine."
--Jacques Ellul, Propaganda ([1962] 1965); cited in Evonne Levy, Propaganda and the Jesuit Baroque (2004), p. 72 [no link]; also cited at; image: "The Propagandist," from Kevin Titzer, sculpture; on Ellul, see.
A Review & Analysis of Current Public Diplomacy in the News - International Exchanges: A Soft Power Tool (September 2010)
Radio excerpts of North Vietnamese radio broadcast from Radio Hanoi and 'Hanoi Hannah'
Obama’s BBC Public Diplomacy - Javad Rad, Newswire – CPD Blog & Blogroll, USC Center on Public Diplomacy: "Beyond the harsh rhetoric on who is to blame for 9/11, [Obama's] appearance on BBC Persian has a few notable implications for U.S. public diplomacy apparatus in general and its policy towards Iran in particular. The fact that Obama went to the BBC to talk to Iranian people signals the weakness in U.S. public diplomacy apparatus, namely its own international broadcasting to Iran. Since the U.S. government has established its Persian TV service within Voice of America (VOA PNN) and funded it for nearly 15 years, why should the U.S. president resort to another country's public diplomacy network to speak to a foreign audience? The reason lies in the size of audience one can reach. Obviously VOA has not been able to reach a sizable audience inside Iran. ... Obama's BBC public diplomacy indicates another shift and that is a huge step towards the (old) policy of considering Iranian government separate from its people. While early in his presidency Obama adhered to engagement; realities in Washington, elections in Iran, and problems on nuclear issue soon weakened his political power. Now, in his interview with BBC, Obama seems to be following the same path as other U.S. presidents. He stands tough on human rights issues, adheres to sanctions, does not rule out an Israeli pre-emptive attack on Iran, and tries to talk to the Iranian people rather than their government.

In keynote speech, BBG chairman Walter Isaacson "repeatedly stressed the importance of credibility" - Kim Andrew Elliott reporting on International Broadcasting: Walter Isaacson's strongest arguments for the credibility of US international broadcasting came during the questions and answers after his speech. These are not included in the on-demand video, but audio of the first two questions is here (mp3, 7:32). Responding to Josh Rogin of Foreign Policy, Mr. Isaacson said that when there is a conflict between journalism and helping US policy, the BBG should 'always make the choice on the side of credible journalism.' Following up, Mr. Rogin asked, 'does maintaining that credibility include having voices that are opposed to US policy?' Isaacson: 'Yes. Of course.' The new BBG has stated the need for 'collegiality' among its entities. In her question, Claudia Rosett of Forbes Online departed from that spirit by trying to start a food fight between VOA and the Radio Free stations. She began by asking if reports of a budget cut to Radio Free Asia's Korean Service are correct. (See previous post.) Then she said: 'You have UN coverage which sometimes amounts to basically taking something like a Burmese or Iranian press release for Voice of America -- my compliments to Jeff Gedmin who has done fantastic work on Iran -- but for Voice of America and rerouting press releases, and I'm curious as to why that...' Isaacson: 'Shut down the UN bureau and put the money into North Korea?' Mr. Isaacson ignored the insinuation about VOA, saying instead that he would try to find money for broadcasts to North Korea. (Ms. Rosett has written articles critical of VOA in Pajamas Media on 8 October 2007 and 7 September 2009.) Mr. Isaacson

Armenian journalist appeals to Obama to protect rights of foreign journalists at U.S. government-funded Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty - Lev Roitman, freemediaonline.org: "In October, new BBG (in place since June 30th) is for the first time coming to RFE/RL in Prague. BBG Chairman, Mr. Walter Isaacson, at the festive event in Washington, quote: 'And thanks to Jeff (Gedmin), we’ve arranged to have a meeting with Havel'. No doubt, for BBG, it will be a memorable event. But, quite possibly, also an embarrassing one. For the former Czech President Vaclav Havel who came to personify morality, honesty and human decency, is well aware of the scandalous events

Radio Sawa reporter speaks of the dangers to Iraqi journalists, e.g. the bomb wired to his car - Kim Andrew Elliott reporting on International Broadcasting
USAID's loss is Judith McHale's gain - Matt Armstrong, MountainRunner.us: "It was barely six months ago that Lynne Weil,

US – Pakistan Spat and Prognosis - southasianidea.com: "The mood in Pakistan, as a cumulative results of the sensalisation of events amidst claims and counter claims from both sides, is belligerent

Love, worry send Tai Shan fans to China - William Wan, Washington Post: "For four middle-aged American women, a trip to China was a chance to pull out all of their panda finery: the panda earrings, the necklaces, and the many, many panda plush toys. But what they experienced when they got to the country's largest panda reserve topped anything they'd ever done in years of devotion to their beloved bear, Tai Shan. Hunched over in brown janitorial coveralls, they used their hands to gather new ursine artifacts straight from the source: clumps of fibrous, multicolored panda poop. The sight of the Western women scrubbing down the panda pens was enough to cause flocks of Chinese tourists to swivel their cameras to catch the action.

Iran's (attempted) media management? - Yelena Osipova, Global Chaos: "[S]eems like Iran is improving its skills of foreign public engagement, and Russia - being the not-so-hostile territory - is a great place for such test-runs (I'm sure the case of the Moscow Embassy is not the only one, and that there are many others out there). Then, there is also the Iranian Cultural Center in Russia, with its shiny and pretty substantive website. Awesome public diplomacy, isn't it?"
Ireland Launches Five-Year International Education Strategy - Kevin Dillon, NAFSA: "Last week, Taoiseach (Prime Minister) Brian Cowen launched an ambitious new plan to establish Ireland as a hub of international education. With the aim of expanding international students in higher education by 50% and in English language schools by 25% over the next five years, the industry would contribute some 1.2 billion euro to the economy by 2015. Ten separate strategic aims are set out in the plan to achieve in the Taoiseach’s words, a reputation as 'a world-leading provider of international education.' ... Interestingly, the strategy is fully aware of the role of international education in shaping public diplomacy. A specific aim of the plan is to create a new generation of advocates for Ireland across the world after they complete their studies in the country."
Should Brands Approach Community Engagement Like Governments Approach Public Diplomacy? - Gaurav Mishra, gauravonomics.com/blog: "Like traditional diplomacy, traditional public relations concerned itself with a small group of elites: editors, journalists and experts. Like public diplomacy, 'people relations' or community engagement at its best starts with the premise that everyone is an opinion leader and shared socio-cultural artifacts are the key to engage people in a dialogue.

Soft Power in a Hostel Environment - Paul Rockower, Levantine: "I have a new article in CPD's PDiN Monitor called 'Soft Power in a Hostel Environment'. I look at the role tourism and travel can play in public diplomacy, and offer the youth hostel up as the purest form of cultural exchange."
Jozef Swiatlo, Radio Free Europe and Balloons - Richard Cummings, historytimes.com: "In West Berlin, on Saturday, 5 December 1953, Jozef Swiatlo, a lieutenant colonel in the Polish secret police, 'defected' to the West. ... Swiatlo's broadcast over Radio Free Europe reportedly caused a major chain reaction in Poland with the dismissal, transfer, and worse, of thousands of Communist Party members and government officials.

More Voice of America history: the move from New York in 1954, and VOA operations in 1955 - Kim Andrew Elliott reporting on International Broadcasting
U.S. struggles to counter Taliban propaganda - Ernesto Londoño, Washington Post: The Taliban in recent months has developed increasingly sophisticated and nimble propaganda tactics that have alarmed U.S. officials struggling to curb the militant group's growing influence across Afghanistan. U.S. officials and Afghan analysts say the Taliban has become adept at portraying the West as being on the brink of defeat, at exploiting rifts between Washington and Kabul and at disparaging the administration of President Hamid Karzai as a "puppet" state with little reach outside the capital.

Japan's Weird, Wonderful American Propaganda Theme Park - Hampton Stevens, theatlantic.com: Twin Ring, named for an unusual, dual-track configuration,

Propaganda on Twitter and Youtube - jung ryul kim, expertvoices.nsdl.org: Twitter and Youtube are probably one of the most limitless and individualized methods of communication on the Internet. The fact that North Korea makes a use of these Internet-based social networking service

Iraq War: U.S. and British Documents Give No Indication Alternatives Were Seriously Considered - Mike Hitchen Online: i On Global Trends - news, opinion, analysis: National Security Archive Electronic Briefing Book No. 328 Edited by John Prados and Christopher Ames: Contrary to statements by President George W. Bush or Prime Minister Tony Blair, declassified records from both governments posted on the Web today reflect an early and focused push to prepare war plans and enlist allies regardless of conflicting intelligence about Iraq’s threat and the evident difficulties in garnering global support. Perhaps most revealing about today’s posting on the National Security Archive’s Web site is what is missing—any indication whatsoever from the declassified record to date that top Bush administration officials seriously considered an alternative to war. In contrast there is an extensive record of efforts to energize military planning, revise existing contingency plans, and create a new, streamlined war plan.
What Confucius says is useful to China's rulers: The venerable sage's teachings have enjoyed a revival in 21st century China because they serve the communist regime well politically - Daniel K. Gardner, latimes.com
Edward Bernays on propaganda and public relations - internet-9.com: Edward Bernays on propaganda and public relations with a polemic insert from Steven Pinker’s ‘The Staff of Thought’.

In 1932, Fox Helped Make Propaganda Films for Hitler – Webster Tarpley Posted by sakerfa, dprogram.net: In German historian Hans Mommsen’s authoritative study entitled The Rise and Fall of Weimar Democracy, which is translated into English and widely available in over five hundred libraries in this country, we find the following: “There was nothing that escaped the ingenuity of Nazi propagandists. A case in point was the use of film. Under Goebbels’ influence the party had begun to exploit the potential of the political propaganda film to an unprecedented extent as early as 1930. Such films were shown mostly in places where Hitler and other prominent party leaders were not able to appear as speakers. For the manufacture of outdoor sound film, the NSDAP turned to an American company, Twentieth Century Fox.“

12 Food Propaganda Posters for Design Inspiration - Jennifer Moline, daddu.net: "I’ve always loved propaganda posters – not necessarily their messages but at least their bold colors, blocky typography and stark imagery. Propaganda posters used a striking form of marketing: They pretty much threatened or frightened to get their point across. While most people are familiar with World War I and WWII propaganda posters – Uncle Sam declaring he wants YOU for the U.S. Army is one of the most recognized posters out there – many others from that era focused on other issues that came about from the wars. One category is food.

Intercourse judge in nutty condom stunt - A judge from the US village of intercourse has been charged - after handing out condoms hidden inside acorns - web.orange.co.uk: Isaac Stoltzfus, 58, was charged with disorderly conduct after two women complained to police, reports the Patriot-News. He was reportedly handing out hollowed out acorns