Endhiran has done a whopping Rs. 318 crore collections within the first three weeks which has broken several barriers. Shankar’s ‘Mudhalvan’ remade in Bollywood as ‘Nayak’, bombed at the box office whereas ‘Robot’ was acclaimed as a riot which they wholeheartedly enjoyed.
Anniyan went average in Hindi and Robot was the turning point. Now, ‘Boys’ which was neither remade nor dubbed will be dubbed in Hindi and released in the north. The film has Siddharth and Genelia who enjoy some popularity in Bollywood which is expected to bring in some business.
Now, as Shankar is well recognized throughout India, ‘Boys’ may see some fanfare due to its offbeat story and pungent script. The peppy songs of AR Rahman will be another attraction. Sri Surya Movies had burnt their fingers by spending lavishly on the film and finally incurring loss.
Abbas Tyrewala will write the Hindi dialogues and lyrics. Sri Surya Movies hopes that this dubbed version will win some of their lost money back. ‘Boys’ is, perhaps, one of the best films of Shankar.