Taapsee Pannu, who has become a busy bee in both Tamil and Telugu, is now all set to make her entry into Malayalam films. Latest update is that she has recently signed a Malayalam film titled “Doubles” featuring Mamoothy and Nadia Moithu in lead roles which will be directed by Sohan Seenulal.
Taapsee Pannu is currently busy doing three films in Tollywood. Her two films “Mr Perfect” starring Prabhas and Kajal Agarwal directed by Dasarath and “Vastadu Naa Raju” with Vishnu Manchu are slated for release in the last month of January.
Also, she is pairing with Ravi Teja in Veera which will be directed by Ramesh Varma. Her Tamil film titled ‘Aadugalam” is slated for release on January 14th in which she will be seen in an Anglo-Indian character. Dhanush is lead actor in the film.
If all of these films will grab the success, definitely it would be a great year for Taapsee Pannu. Lets wish her all the best for 2011.