Love the snakeskin, studs, '80s brights, and Chanel-inspired chain strap of the Disco Jack bag.
($246, Angeljackson.co.uk)

Snakeskin AND jaguar = two marauding members of the animal kingdom perfectly represented on one studded bag.
And, finally, a studded bag for A LOT less:
($72.99, Modcloth.com)
And, finally, a studded bag for A LOT less:

I got this from Lulu's, but I think they're sold out there. I've yet to use it, because I'm getting a lot of mileage out of the Eryn Brinie bag below (which wasn't worth the full price but definitely worth the sale price, but it's a whole lotta bag and would look pretty cute with an all-black outfit, since it's pretty noisy all on its own.